Here you can find a list of resources for achieving a teachers credential, including scholarship opportunities, State of California requirements, and more!
The Institute for STEM Education has many missions and goals, part of their overall vision is to provide prospective teachers, STEM and non-STEM majors alike, the resources necessary to excel in their career. This link will take you to their extensive Teacher Preparation page with links to the state of California's credential resources as well as a helpful graphic that gives a general overview of the credential for prospective K-12 teachers.
The Department of Teacher Education has been committed to preparing teachers in the field of education for over the past 50 years. We offer the preliminary Teaching Credential in both the Multiple and Single Subject, for the K-12 classroom setting. Our programs are accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credential (CTC) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).